About me
     I was born in 1976 in Xianyang, Shannxi province,  a middle city
in the  north-west  China.  I  lived  there  for several years   with  my grandmother.  Later  I  moved to  Xi'an, a big city  60 km  away from Xianyang,  and lived with my parents and brother together until I left
for my job in Beijing in 1999.

     From 1995, I studied in the College of Civil Aviation Engineering
of   the  Northwestern  Polytechnical University   and  finished  my Bachelor of Science in 1999. My major was Electronic Engineering. Then  I  started  to  work  in  company  Aircraft  Maintenance  and Engineering Corporation, Beijing, a joint venture between Air China and Lufthansa, as an avionic engineer of Boeing737 and Boeing747. Because of my great interest in electronics, I decided to have further study in Germany. In 2001, I came to Germany to do my Master of Electronic Communication Engineering at the University of Kassel. I completed  my Master  in  2003  with  special  major  in  Microwave Engineering. After Masters, I started to work in the University of Hannover as professor assistant until now.

     For  official  purpose  a downloadable  CV  is  provided  in  word document.  For further  information about  me please contact me by
an E-mail.

Last updated: July 2005